Planned Parenthood provides healthcare

Planned Parenthood (PP) is a place that no longer scares me. When I needed an outpatient medical procedure done (not an abortion), PP was the only medical facility around that could take care of me quickly. I called gynecologists and other doctor’s offices; there was at least a week’s wait. I called urgent care; it was a procedure they didn’t do. And no way would the hospital have considered it an urgent medical need. But I was having issues that needed to be addressed right away.

One of the providers I called suggested PP for faster treatment. Given my lifelong aversion to PP (because of the lies that all they did were abortions), I reluctantly made an appointment and went to the nearest PP center. There was a very long wait because I think there was only one doctor and one nurse, but other than another couple there before us, it was just me and my husband.

Once the doctor was with me in the exam room, I felt more comfortable. This PP doctor was not some monster who wanted to kill babies. She was a medical healthcare provider providing necessary services, mostly pertaining to women and their health, eg, fertility, infertility, domestic abuse, general gynecologist services.

Being inside a PP facility gave me the chance to see the people giving these services as humans, not evil baby killers. And I was so grateful that the PP doctor was able to take care of my medical issue immediately with compassion. It only took a matter of minutes and I was able to be on my way. Insurance covered the visit, and from that moment on, I realized PP provided a much-needed service to women and its regional community.

Now that I’m “pro-choice,” I still think we should find ways to minimize abortions in the country. Most abortions happen because the woman doesn’t have any family, emotional, or financial support. It’s impossible to get all the support systems in place to make that happen. Hence, abortions. They’ll never be eradicated no matter overturning Roe vs Wade or banning abortions state by state. We’re just going to return to the dark days of back-alley abortions or all sorts of harmful abortive ways.

I challenge all “pro-life” people to share the tangible ways they have provided the family, emotional, or financial support that the person considering an abortion needs. Because holding “pro-life” signs in front of a PP facility ain’t it.

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